Joyce Evans

In 1963 I worked in the Head Office of W H Smith. When I heard they were starting the Duke of Edinburgh Award, I joined the girls’ group. I entered directly to the Silver level as I was already 18. On 23rd November 1965 I attended a Gold Award holders’ reception, at Buckingham Palace. Each person was presented to the Duke, in the ballroom, with a parent and my firm’s rep. This was a wonderful experience. I was reserved and the award had helped me, but I also had a desire to help other young people attain their awards. I was a member of the Girls Brigade from the age of 6 and had become an adult leader at 18. I was pleased when in 70/80’s we helped 6 girls to get their award. It was not until 2000 I started again leading a mixed group. Many received bronze and silver awards and 15 Gold. The occasions I met The Duke of Edinburgh, was in 1964 when he was visiting a centre in London and at the Gold Award presentation at the Palace. In 2006, at the Queens 80th birthday, I took an 18 year old Gold award holder and a 6 year old to represent the Girls’ Brigade Organisation. We met the Duke and Queen at the gate of Windsor Castle, he was concerned about the hole left when they removed the bollards. He made us laugh. I also represented GB at the Diamond celebration at Westminster Abbey.