Joanne Ewing nee Frazer

At the age of 24 and having suffered panic attacks from the age of 14, the Duke of Edinburgh Award was something I had always wanted to do but never thought I could. When I heard my brother was participating through the Belfast Activity Centre I decided to push myself out of my comfort zone and jump right in at Gold level.

It was difficult at times physically, as well as mentally, but I had a great time especially doing the actual expedition in the Bluestack Mountains in Donegal. The sense of achievement I felt when my award was presented at St James's Palace will always stay with me. Not only did I achieve Gold but the award gave me so much more in helping me overcome the panic attacks, giving me the confidence to travel and work overseas, and to try new things. At the age of 51 I'm off to university. It's all down to this Award.

HRH Prince Philip has changed so many lives through this; what a legacy. RIP