Joanna Smith

Over DAKS’ 27 years as a Silver Partner of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards programme, we were privileged to attend many DofE events in the presence of His Royal Highness The Duke and His Royal Highness The Earl of Wessex. These were invariably inspiring occasions for all who attended, especially for supporters like us in observing the palpable excitement of Gold Award achievers in their opportunity to be presented to His Royal Highness personally. Most moving also were the frequent witness presentations by those Award achievers who had been brought back into creative open society after especially difficult times in their young lives. It was remarkable that, despite The Duke’s constantly pressing engagements, he so frequently made time to attend such events at Buckingham Palace and elsewhere, invariably walking round to meet his guests in small groups and chatting away in his characteristic relaxing style. His unmatched personal contribution to the self-fulfillment of generations of young people worldwide will unquestionably leave a unique legacy. DAKS were in addition happy to try over the years to assist the DofE International team over the development of their contacts overseas, especially in Asia.

We are sure that we are far from alone in sensing within our own small company and indeed our families the vibrancy and relevance to us of the DofE Awards and The Duke’s passion for them. Their spirit and radiating influence for skills development should be felt well though this century.

Joanna Smith, General Manager and Grantee of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh Warrant
Paul Dimond CMG, Deputy Chairman and Grantee of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh Warrant (2007-2017)