Joanna Fitchett (now Farbon)

I am so very lucky to have been part of the DofE Award and achieved both my Silver and Gold Awards. I was privileged to have a Scout Leader who supported, encouraged and lead the Venture Scout troop I was part of to achieve their Queen's Scout Awards. Our Leader, Dave Tyler, worked tirelessly for his Scouts. I believe that the values of the DofE Award were held true in Dave's work. He was such a role model in his commitment to us and our futures.

The Award has not only supported me in cementing life long friendships but it also empowered me to believe I could be exactly who I wanted to be. In particular, I remember both my expedition and my research into the charity, CAFOD. My expedition taught me that no matter what (even in some of the worst weather the Lake District had seen in 20 years according to one farmer!) I could get there. My research into CAFOD drew me into deep consideration of my own faith and still affirms my Christian faith as an anchor in my life today.

In my work as a Headteacher I can always see the values and commitment to your cause that the Award taught me were vital in succeeding. I have felt very privileged to have shared some experiences with our children at school and my reflections this weekend have spurred me to consider what more that we can do as a school to develop these values, skills and the self belief that children should have in themselves today. In fact, in our current climate, I believe this is needed more than ever for our young children. Indeed, an Award for younger children is much needed in primary schools today. It would be an amazing next step in the Duke of Edinburgh's leagacy for such an Award to come to fruition.