Joanna Brett

Prince Philip's death has brought back so many memories of completing his Award Scheme in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Many of the things I participated in to complete my Awards are still things I am involved with or enjoy today, Activities were as diverse as canoeing and embroidery! The Scheme instilled in me a lifelong passion for volunteering that has given me so many interesting experiences in a variety of organisations and places over the years.

My Bronze practice and assessment expeditions in the Forest of Dean and on Exmoor are some of the happiest memories of my childhood. The camaraderie, the sense of adventure and the amazing support from the group leaders still fill me with warmth and make me smile.

I am so pleased that my oldest child has started her Bronze Award and welcome the fact that the flexible approach taken over the last year, coupled with her own ability to adapt, has enabled this to continue despite the extenuating circumstances.

Meeting Prince Philip briefly at the Gold Award Ceremony at St James' Palace, I was impressed by the effort he made to ensure he spoke to every young person in the room. A very inspiring legacy and all the very best to those who continue his work.