Joan Hamilton

I enjoyed all aspects of the award scheme, many of which I undertook with school friends and within my own community. The activity which had the biggest impact on me, however, involved leaving home on my own for the first time to undertake a combined residential course and 5 day expedition as part of my Gold Award. We spent over a week in the wilds of County Tyrone and across the border in Donegal. Accommodation in Derg Lodge was very basic, I was with a group of people I didn't know, and the activities were challenging. It was certainly character-building and as a 'team we soon got to know each other and work together well. I'm sure it shaped the person I became in many positive ways. Many aspects of the scheme have doubtless changed since then but it's ethos remains the same: to show young people the value of serving in their community, teaching them independence and encouraging them to step out of their comfort zone and undertake challenges which will develop resilience and strength of character.