Jo Godden

When I completed my Bronze and Silver DofE Awards at School, I would never have imagined that 10 years down the line, I would be working for the organisation.
During my time at the DofE I've been really fortunate to have been introduced to HRH while at a Gold Award Presentation, which is something that I will not forget. I have also witnessed on many occasions, the interactions of HRH with thousands of young people. The tense silence in a room upon his arrival, would quickly turn to a room of laughter. HRH was evidently so interested to speak with the young people, and quiz them on their experiences. He would often leave a room with a departing comment such as 'Happy Easter' or 'Happy Christmas' even if the sentiment was rather early!
If it wasn't for HRH setting up the DofE I would also not have met my partner and now 'husband to be', and for that I will always be very grateful.
This last week I have thought many times of the amazing memories and friendships I formed through completing my DofE at school, with my Expedition team aptly named 'the constantly losts!', and we were!
You will be missed Your Royal Highness, Rest in Peace Sir.