Jennifer Pollock

I kept moving schools and so was unable to do the D of E at a school so was an open participant and also autistic so to come out of my shell is difficult and in the events that I participated in helped me learn to drive. Do hockey as my activity and met Gaynor Nash who was my hockey coach at the time and now is my personal best friend. I participated in the A to Z expeditions in Dartmoor and actually really enjoyed the experience, I would do it again. I really enjoy the outdoors, volunteering and I continue to do volunteering at schools and sports. I am so grateful for this opportunity as it has made me part of who I am. I watch ospreys, I geocache and go for long walks knowing my experiences from map reading and finding my way round. I enjoy camping too, even when I was at school in Dorset we had a night under the stars at Dartmoor and that made me want to return to Dartmoor North and South. It was a lovely part of the world.
I did rainbows, and a residential at Worcester Cathedral and helped me become a little more independent.