Jennifer Howie
I was brought up in an active outdoors family in the RAF. I started boarding school age 13 and there were no outdoor activities running, only the D of E and I signed up straight away, it got me into the outdoors learning skills on my own and being part of a team all began here. I went on to complete my bronze and gold, which gave me the confidence to sign up to be part of a 4 week fully self sufficient backpacking expedition to Greenland in 2017. It was incredible such an experience and the skills I learnt through D of E were now in full swing, we had to know then we were isolated in Greenland seeing no others for 2 weeks at a time whilst backpacking through the incredible landscape. I finished school and went to university to do sports science and outdoor activities which lead to more adventurous expeditions resulting in me taking a career path as an Outdoor Instructor here I became an expedition leader and this has taken me all over the world for opportunities from Greenland to Borneo. D of E was that starting point for me and when I look back if it wasn't for that I wouldn't be the person I am today. It helped with my independence and relying on my skills to be able to go into incredible environments and know that I was fine. When returning to the UK I became a D of E leader and an assessor because I wanted to give back and be that opportunity for someone who may use the skills to start a journey of their own. From leader and assessor training I made a great group of friends and we completed Diamond D of E challenge in Scotland and even managed a part in country file, just amazing. Its given me opportunity and friends for life and I couldn't be more grateful, the passing of this wonderful man and what he began is what has brought me to where I am in life. Being able to give that to others and helping them achieve their potential. He will be missed.