Jane Knowles

I gained Gold, DofE, as a new teacher in Rednock Comp, Dursley, Glos, 30 years ago - alongside volunteering. At Rednock, under the guidance of Helen Baines (wonderfully enthusiastic woman), we were encouraged to take up new skills from outset. I learnt the cello and sailing, and am appreciative, I later met my husband onboard a keelboat. A special memory is going to Clarence House - meeting the Duke and spending quality time with my mother - we'd never been away together before. These memories are important, as this is her birthday. My condolences to the Duke, a stoic husband to the Queen, and to my mother who passed away in April a couple of years ago. She suffered with Dementia (with Lewy Bodies) - a particularly nasty form of the illness. My heart goes out to the families of loved ones and their memories stored for ever. Also to the DofE scheme, it has been invaluable to so many young people, and long may it continue.