James Shanley

I started my journey on the DofE because like The Duke, I love the outdoor. Though when I started my bronze there was no ambition to make sure I did my silver or even my gold award. As time went on I felt I grew a bond with my school friends doing the award and the opportunities that came with the DofE award led me to continue. Upon completing my gold award, I was unsure if I would meet HRH, but I was lucky. I met him and was fortunate enough even to have a brief conversation about my expedition section. He asked where I had gone for it and I told him I had gone to visit Borneo. To which The Duke made a quick witted remark about the perils of meeting Bornean headhunters. In that split second I knew instantly, he truly listens and wants to listen to you and he has a very sharp mind and sense of humour. For any senior figure in public life to show all that is fantastic, for a man whose conducted thousands of engagements to show that level of interest in his 90s just blew me away. He clearly believed passionately in the good the the DofE does and I think there are so many people in this country and the world who are better off for it and we only have him to thank. May he rest in peace.