James Hibberd

The DofE program was an experience that I will never forget. It brought me so much closer to people I already knew and helped me connect with people who without the project I may have never met. I'm a fairly shy person and this project was one of the many things that really helped me become more and more confident in myself and my own capabilities, for that I am forever grateful. The volunteering aspects of the project gave me a great first taste into what it meant to be more selfless and help other people just because I can and because I understand it's the right thing to do. One of my many desires in life is to have a positive impact on other people's lives and to a degree I credit the DofE program for making that a part of me. I am now an aspiring documentary photography and hope to use my work to expose the problems and share the untold stories of our world, so that they can be brought into the spotlight and so that change can take place to make the world better so that we can all enjoy a better quality of life.