Jacob Kemp

I would like to send my heartfelt condolences to Her Majesty the Queen, and the entire Royal Family, after hearing the terrible news about the death of the Duke of Edinburgh.

I have completed my Bronze and Silver DofE, and I am currently completing my Gold Award.

Both of my previous awards have been amazing experiences, and I have enjoyed them immensely. I volunteered at a local youth club, and I met some incredible youth leaders and young people. who have inspired me to help others in my local community. I attended a St John Ambulance group for my skill section, and I have learnt to much, and have also been given amazing opportunities, such as representing my Cadet group at Remembrance Services. My Physical activity was the local Parkrun, and I found that experience very stimulating, as well as becoming more physically active.

My expeditions were my favourite part of my DofE awards. My group was absolutely amazing, and we had so much fun. We also engaged with members of the communities that were on our routes, and heard amazing stories about events such as the Millennium, and Royal Jubilees.

I hope to complete my Gold Award in the memory of the Duke of Edinburgh

I send my heartfelt condolences to Her Majesty the Queen, and the entire Royal Family.

Love from Jacob Kemp, aged `17