J Kaur

DofE has helped me obtain life skills that I never thought of gaining in the first place. I’m currently doing my Bronze award and although I haven’t previously done DofE before, I’ve massively enjoyed the experience. I’ve helped out young girls by being a girlguide through volunteering, I took a politics course from Yale University for my skills and I managed to improve my mental healthy through yoga for physical. I’ve been able to work with my friends, as a team, which has bought me closer to them. DofE has also helped me manage my free time with something useful and it’s also a great way to have fun whilst studying for my GCSEs. Hopefully I’ll be able to do the expedition this summer, but I’m certain that I want to do my Silver and Gold awards too. The Duke will be greatly missed, and I am forever grateful that I was able to have this amazing opportunity because of him.