Izzy Lee

When I first heard about d of e I thought it would never be something I would achieve. But here I am know with my bronze award completed. Still to this day my friends and I laugh and remember all of the fun memories that we made on duke of Edinburgh despite it being so challenging and a sort of stressful experience we was able to leave with our heads held high knowing what we had achieved.

Even with mobile phones we were able to have so much fun!

I feel proud to have achieved my award as it has opened me up to so much more, it encouraged me to start walking long distances and even led me to volunteering at a brownie girl guiding session for over 2 years!!!!
I think that anyone questioning to complete it or not should 100% give it ago, even 2 years later I still laugh about everything and am proud of what I was able to achieve.

The skills I learnt on this will for sure impact and help my future in many ways!