India Rome

I will be forever grateful for the life skills the DofE award have taught me. Bronze presented me with a challenge like none I had ever faced, and pushed me to excel in new situations. Silver and Gold built upon these experiences as well as imbuing in me essential life skills, which I continue to use today.

The photo I have included is of my walking boots on Brodick Beach, Isle of Arran. My group and I completed our qualifying expedition on Arran in 2012, with the beach being part of the final stretch. I remember feeling relieved that it was almost over, but also felt sad that it was last expedition.

It has taken me until the recent pandemic to get back into walking regularly, and my companions and I have often reminisced about our time undertaking the DofE award. The Duke's death has made me reflect on the importance of the award, which helped me transition from a being a teenager into a young adult, equipped with the tools I needed to succeed and thrive in the working world.