Iman H

After completing the Gold award, I could not stop talking about it. I would mention it all the time and worry that I sounded like a crazy lady, but it changed my life. Completing all 3 awards gave me the confidence that, if I put my mind to it, I can achieve great things. I wasn't the most fit person, scared of hills, the only thing that kept me going was perseverance and to prove that I could do the expedition, as well as all the other sections.
Completing the gold award in uni, I contacted my old school teacher who helped send the award through. There was a sense of achievement, it wasn't easy but I had done it. I got to share the ceremony with my father at the palace and although the Duke of Edinburgh had retired from public duty, I couldn't do none of it without him. In fact, I miss it dearly, and wish I could go out camping more!