Holly Tappenden

I have so many different memories of my DofE! From my gold residential sailing a tall ship around the Caribbean, to all three riding expeditions with different participants across the south west. My fondest memory was on Exmoor where we rode through a bog, thought we were going to get stuck`! (But obviously made it through!) I made friendships through DofE I would never have made without it, and so thankful for the confidence it gave me to try new things.

I also remember my ceremony at St James Palace, and actually meeting and speaking to Prince Philip. It really did feel like such an honour.

I carried on afterwards to become a volunteer DofE leader, leading bronze groups and helping with silver and gold, and I can always remember the kids faces when they made it to campsites, encountering the challenges along the way and those lightbulb moments where they realised the only way they will make it through to the finish was with perseverance and teamwork - those values the DofE promoted and cultured.

These memories will always stay with me, and I am thankful to have had the opportunity to make them!