Holly Craven

DofE was one of those things that was almost expected of us at school - certainly Bronze. Then the majority went on to silver and a few to gold.

Imagine this....the Yorkshire Dales in around Feb/March.
The weather is predictably Northern. 3 groups of hardy (!) girls are on their bronze practice expedition. We pitch our tents in a field belonging to one of the teaching staff, eat our super noodles and/or pasta n sauce (not a culinary highlight) and settle down for the night. Then comes the storm. It rains, it hails, the wind is so strong that we are holding the tents in a panic. The next day we make our weary way back to school.
I ring Mum to get some sympathy. Her response "well, this award scheme is certainly turning you into someone who can cope when things go awry, isn't it".
She had a point.