Hollie-May Scotland

I completed my Bronze and Silver DofE awards 3years ago now and I still cherish the incredible memories I made. My Expeditions on Exmoor were full of laughs, tears, sweat and bogs but throughout all of that, the best part of it was coming together as a team. I am still close friends with my DofE group and we often come together and laugh about our time out on the moor. From one of us falling in a bog, me trying to reheat rice on a gas stove, wild camping for the first time and my favourite moment of all - when we got chased by cows! It was a fantastic opportunity that I am so thankful I took. I learnt so much about myself, and others during all of it. As well as the great skills I learnt whilst volunteering that have actually helped me get into university.

DofE is something I will always be proud of and certainly won't ever forget.