Hazel Megahey

I completed my Bronze, Silver and Gold Award through Girlguiding and gained my Gold Award back in 1989. Most of my service was developing through the Guiding movement as a leader and I am now still a Brownie Leader and a Division Commissioner. I learnt many new skills such as playing the viola and doing cross stitch and undertook tap dancing, keep fit, and badminton which I went on to coach. My expeditions were around Knowle, the Long Mynd and Dartmoor which I thoroughly enjoyed. For my residential for my Gold Award I went on an international camp to Denmark with Girlguiding and had a great time. This inspired me to continue with travelling and I have led groups of girls to New Zealand and also did a service project in Kenya. I have also supported other girls to complete Bronze expeditions as my time as a Ranger Leader. The Duke of Edinburgh's Award has given me the chance to do things I would probably never had done and inspired me to give back what I got out of it. Lots of fun and laughs and commitment!!