Hannah Hook

My DofE journey took me 5 years to complete during which I have learned to kayak (and won a number of national races), became a College Ambassador, did charity work with the National Citizen Service, learned to drive, took a catering course, and completed several expeditions. My most memorable expedition was probably climbing Snowden in 30° heat carrying full kit and with a broken wrist! I was one of the privileged few to collect my Gold Award at Buckingham Palace on an inspirational day that I will never forget.
I developed a passion for the outdoors and watersports through the DofE Award Scheme. DofE encouraged me to seize opportunities, push myself outside of my comfort zone, work hard, be disciplined and make good decisions to maximise what I can do. I have found that setting goals is important to get the most out of life, I can decide to have the right attitude at the start at each day and do everything I possibly can to achieve those goals. I have appreciated people who have supported me on my journey.
When I finished school I spent two years doing an outdoor education course and went on to work for a year in North Wales to pass on my skills and knowledge to others. The following Summer I worked at a centre reaching out to disadvantaged children before returning to College for higher level studies.
I hope to help establish a watersport business during the next Summer season. After this I have committed to voluntary work, starting in the Autumn for at least a year, at a Christian charity on the South Coast as the Senior Sailing Instructor.
The vision of HRH Prince Philip to set up the Award Scheme has been a massive influence on my life, I am very grateful as I wouldn't be where I am today without it.