Hannah Blake
I started my DofE journey at 14 yrs old completing my Bronze and Silver in school, I am now in the final stages of my Open Gold. There have been many fantastic memories along the way, building friendships, learning new skills and building the confidence to find out who I am. I remember performing with my best friend at Winchester Cathedral for the DofE Diamond celebrations in May 2016. It was a fantastic evening and I don't think we could have done it without the confidence that doing our Bronze gave us.
But I think there is one moment that everybody has at some point on expedition which unites us, we start thinking why am I here? It comes normally after a long wet day when you just want to go home and have a hot shower and some food. Its at this moment that you want to give it all up, and you don't understand why you are here. Then something will happen that makes it all worth while, when your friend falls over and lands in a cow pat, when you all bundle into a tent that's far too small for 6 people to play cards whilst it rains, when the clouds and fog lift and you see a fantastic sight, or when somebody finds that last bit of Kendal mint cake that had fallen to the bottom of their rucksack just as you're about to walk up your final hill. It is these moments that we look back on and they stick with us and its these stories we tell others that encourages them to take on DofE or their own challenge.
But I think there is one moment that everybody has at some point on expedition which unites us, we start thinking why am I here? It comes normally after a long wet day when you just want to go home and have a hot shower and some food. Its at this moment that you want to give it all up, and you don't understand why you are here. Then something will happen that makes it all worth while, when your friend falls over and lands in a cow pat, when you all bundle into a tent that's far too small for 6 people to play cards whilst it rains, when the clouds and fog lift and you see a fantastic sight, or when somebody finds that last bit of Kendal mint cake that had fallen to the bottom of their rucksack just as you're about to walk up your final hill. It is these moments that we look back on and they stick with us and its these stories we tell others that encourages them to take on DofE or their own challenge.