Graeme Donald

I was encouraged to follow the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme in the late 50s by a forward looking Boys Brigade Captain Tom Bisset. Whilst the actual Award was an incentive the real benefit of the Scheme to me was the opportunity to learn new skills by selecting from a list an activity that seemed right for me and, thereby, opportunities to meet many other similarly minded young folk. Preparation for the Expedition proved to be a real eye opener !!
I ran out of age before I had completed all of the sections necessary for the Gold Award - such a shame! However, as my grandchildren and others approach the Scheme they give me time to reminisce - just a little.
'Duke of Edinburgh Award' appears in all of my job application forms!!! I have enjoyed the privilege of meeting the Duke of Edinburgh on five occasions - always with my lapel badge on show. On the most recent meeting I met first hand the reputation the Duke of Edinburgh had for forthright conversation!!!