Grace Ford

When my group and I were doing our expedition for the Bronze award, we hit a point where we were all lost, exhausted and irritable. I insisted that we sat down in the field we were lost in yo have a break, while my friend got frustrated and tried to urge us to carry on. I ignored her and sat down anyway, my huge backpack weighing me down. After a few minutes of trying to convince us to get up and keep walking, my friend suddenly said "guys... cows". The rest of us brushed this off as her trying to trick us into moving but when we turned around we saw a herd of at least 40 cows charging directly towards us. I wish I could've taken a photo of the look on our faces as we all scrambled to grab our bags and leg it. In the moment, it was absolutely terrifying but the 5 of us now look back on it as one of our favourite memories ever.