Gilly Shirazi

I first joined the DofE in 1971, age 14, doing my Bronze Award through school. I went on to complete my Silver and Gold through Girl Guides (photo is of me on my Gold Expedition c1977). 50 years later, I'm still involved as a local volunteer in Hertfordshire.

In 1982 I was very fortunate to join the overseas team of the DofE Award; stayed for the next 29 years and eventually retired in 2011 as head of The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award.

In my various staff roles, I came into contact with the Duke on a regular basis at meetings and conferences. He was an amazing man - an encyclodeic knowledge of the Award and an excellent chairman and orator. He chaired the meetings with authority but with a touch of humour as well. He knew how to put people at ease and to get the best out of them. He had a phenomenal memory for faces and names even those he hadn't seen since the last triennial meeting.

Prince Philip was fundmental to the expansion of the Award worldwide. He was behind the establishment of the international organisation and structure, going so far as to draft the first constitution in 1988 (whilst on board HMS Britannia between engagements in Australia). Through his personal involvement and encouragement, the Award has enhanced the lives of millions of young people around the world.

I feel so honoured and privileged to have had the opportunity to meet and work for him. His Award has enhanced my life in countless ways.

Thank you, Sir.