Gianna Chadwick
I completed my DofE bronze award in York as a teenager in the late 1990’s. Thanks to the scheme, I learnt how to cook and type. I can haul a drowning swimmer out of a pool and play a decent game of badminton. The expedition was on the North Yorkshire Moors in scorchingly hot weather. We got terribly sunburnt and terribly lost. We were so busy singing Take That songs and chatting that we overshot our turnoff! The countryside was stunning. Though the hills were steep and I’ll never forget navigating over a desolate moor, with only a compass bearing to guide us. The campsites were very basic with only a tap, and no toilets, we cooked using camping stoves. It was great fun. We laughed and puffed up the hills and fell out and sang and made up again. I gained skills, friends and confidence. It was a building block for so much of what came next in my life as a young adult. Now, many years later, I’m a GP in Brixton and a mother. I type and cook everyday. I still love walking in the countryside. And I remain fast friends with two of the girls from my expedition group. We still laugh about the expedition now. I would love my children to take part in DofE when they’re a little older. At the time I had no idea who The Duke of Edinburgh was. Today, I am so very grateful to him for facilitating all the fantastic experiences we had. Thank you.