Gaynor Goodier (nee Bradley)

I finished my Gold Award when I took my A Levels in 1988. It was an amazing experience and I learned so many skills that have really shaped my life. I spent hours volunteering in my local hospital in Wigan, helping sick children and the elderly. I spent time at an outdoor pursuit centre in the Lake District caring for disabled children on my Residential. I also took part in many Gilbert and Sullivan productions choosing singing as a skill I wanted to develop. I believe that the knowledge and the social awareness I gained as part of my award has shaped me into the person I am today. I have been lucky enough to marry my best friend, Gary who is also a Gold Award Holder. We met when I was doing my Expedition and we now have two sons Daniel and Lewis. We feel very proud and lucky to have taken part in such a fantastic scheme and meeting the Duke of Edinburgh has been one of the best moments of our lives. Prince Philip will be very sadly missed but hopefully his Award Scheme can live on in his memory.
