Gareth Thomas

I started my DofE Award journey in the mid 80's at the Elizabethan High School in Retford, it was an journey that ended in 2012 when illness ended to my Scouting "career". Having successfully completed the Bronze and Silver Awards I started helping at my village Cub Scout Pack for my Gold service. This was something that would change my life forever and provide experiences and memories that will last a lifetime.

During my own participation I certainly have some stand out memories which were only made possible because of The Duke and his Award scheme. My friends and fellow participants Roger, Andrew and Simon with whom I completed all of my expeditions, the local scheme leaders, John Ward and Dave Whalley who gave up so much of their free time to help us achieve our goal. Parents and countless other people who all played a part to enable my to become a Gold Award recipient.

As I mentioned the Award scheme provided me with an opportunity to become a Helper with 2nd Ranskill Scout Group and in 1989 I became a Venture Scout Leader. Along with a number of Leaders in the Group we set about building a legacy that when I retired had seen over 50 young people achieve both their Gold Award and Queen's Scout Awards. Hard work and dedication was/is something that all participants have to show and it was an honour and a privilege to play a part in helping the Group's members achieve there goals. As Mrs Skelton always used to tell the participants "Bronze and Silver are just practice for your Gold Award".

I was fortunate to meet Prince Phillip on 3 occasions, the first at St James Palace when I was presented with my Gold Award, the second at Wentworth Gold Club in 1990 when he opened "the Edinburgh course" - I was one of 4 young people that had been invited to represent the Award scheme participants at the opening (photo attached). The final time was at Buckingham Palace when 7 of my Venture Scouts received their Gold Awards - what a day!

Thank you and rest in peace.