Frankie Hartland

I recently got my DofE Bronze Award. Luckily I managed to finish my skills, volunteering, and physical sections before Covid, unlike most of my year group. For skills I did a course in basic British Sign Language (BSL) which I really enjoyed and am really interested in, and want to continue with some day. For volunteering I did bell ringing on sundays at my church which I am so glad to have done because without DofE I would never have started it. For physical I did swimming which really improved my fitness. We did our practice expedition in October 2019 and it was such a great experience and really enjoyable as I was in a group with my friends. We weren't able to do our qualifying expedition until December 2020 due to Covid, but it was very memorable when it did happen as we did it in the snow! Even though my DofE was impacted by Covid it was a really worthwhile experience, as I started new hobbies and learnt new things which I wouldn't have done otherwise, and the expeditions left me with lovely memories which I will remember for the rest of my life. Prince Philip left behind an amazing legacy which has changed so many teenagers' lives.