Frances Kemp

I have great memories of my DofE. Firstly, I can tell people that I was locked in a cell and breathalyses when I was 17 years old. That makes them look at me weirdly. Then I explain that I spent time with the Police during my award.
I thoroughly enjoyed working in a charity shop and with the local brownies - and today, I am a brownie leader (11 years in) and helping young people volunteering for us for their DofE.
One of my best memories was the day I was attacked by a friendly chicken. We had sat to rest and a chicken wandered by. I am a townie so not used to chickens taking a stroll. This chicken decided to jump on my knee. Wonderful, I was wearing shorts and ended up cut to shreds with sharp claws! It was fun continuing the walk whilst looking like we were celebrating Halloween early!
I also thoroughly enjoyed a weekend away - meeting new friends and pulling weeds from a river bank - spotting bats and watching cows giving birth.
All this for a townie who would not have had these great opportunities without the DofE. It is character building, skills building, confidence building and above all, life changing.
Thank you to everyone involved - past and present.
