Fiona Ensor

I completed all three levels of the award and receiving my gold award at St James’s Palace from Prince Philip has been one of my proudest moments. I was inspired to complete all the levels by the late Irene Whittaker, our school headmistress at Queen Anne’s Grammar School in York in the 1980’s. She was passionate about pupils having life experience other than just academia. Having volunteered with the WRVS for bronze, at a holiday camp for children with disabilities for my gold residential and on hospital wards at both silver and gold level, I realised that my aspirations to become a nurse could be achieved and it was a career I wanted to pursue. I went on to train at The Middlesex Hospital in London and was given permission to miss lectures to attend my award ceremony!

I’m also proud that both my children have participated in the scheme and I spent a lovely afternoon with my daughter at Buckingham Palace, when she was awarded her gold award in 2018. My son is is currently working towards his gold award, but has had the added challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic to contend with. Hopefully it won’t be long before he also will be receiving his gold award.

Thank you Prince Philip for creating this scheme, for enabling young people to try new skills, be pushed out of their comfort zones, but also to be able to achieve so much and make life long friendships and memories.