Ffion James

Friendship, Leadership & Teamwork

I undertook the Gold DofE Award with the amazing Neath Port Talbot Gold DofE Scheme.
I undertook the residential aspect of the award in the Summer prior to commencing college. We spent a week in Margam Park, building friendships and teamworking skills that allowed for a seamless transition into college as I had made friends for life during that week. I absolutely loved our weekly planning meetings of our routes/mapwork and navving skills/first aid skills and generally goofing around and having a laugh. Our monthly hikes to practice were such a joy and set about a deep love for the outdoors that has continued to blossom since then.

Our expedition was in Dartmoor, and despite its challenges/ finding out I hadn't packed enough emergency rations/ living off Frostie cereal bars and massive blisters, it was a laugh from start to finish. All 5 of us crammed into one tent and put our bags in the other tent so we could literally spend every second together! Our Leaders, Katie & Chopper kept us motivated at every pitstop and seeing their faces at the end with banners and treats to celebrate was the motivating factor for myself to want to come back the year after as a leader.

I got into Medical School on the back of the skills I had learnt during my Gold DofE experience, and I managed to get a job as a hiking instructor in Summer Camp in America because of that experience too. The DofE Award has opened doors which I never knew possible and has 100% made me the person I am today. I would never have had the opportunity or desire to spend my weekends hiking and now it is my favourite pastime. Diolch am y cyfle.