Emma Bolton

I love the outdoors and DofE gave me the opportunity to fall in love with nature again, after being in the city for so long. The chance to get involved with my local community, learn a new skill and stay physically active, really had a positive impact on my mental health and allowed me to express myself in a way that previously I wouldn't have been able to. I think DofE not only challenges you physically but shows you not to give up and to commit to what you believe you are capable of achieving even when it seems tough. The award also allowed me to connect more to my father as he shared memories from when he completed his DofE all that time ago. I'm looking forward to doing my DofE gold and can't thank the Duke of Edinburgh enough for setting up this amazing program, to help us believe in ourselves, and rediscover our love for things that we are passionate about. I'm so glad that his legacy will live on for others to experience.