Emily Thomas

I had the privilege of completing the Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze Award in 2018. As my peers & teachers would agree, partaking in the award was an incredible experience for us all. Although at times it tested our mental & physical strength, it became an experience which has helped to shape who I am today.

At first I wasn’t too keen about participating in the award, as I was nervous as to what it would entail; I had never done anything like this before. However with the encouragement of my parents & friends, I decided that taking this opportunity would only help to better myself & my future.

I can say that I am nothing but pleased & proud that I was able to complete the Bronze DofE award. Our expedition really tested our tolerance & patience, having to carry our 2 stone backpacks in sweltering 30 degree heat in mid May. There were times where I felt like I couldn’t continue on, but with the encouragement of my team mates & the final goal of reaching of the campsite & being able to set up our tents, pushed me to keep going.

The Duke of Edinburgh Award also helped me to appreciate working as part of a team & to show how when people work cooperatively together, anything is possible & achievable. With all of the strengths of my team together, we were able to find our way to the campsite on day 1 & then to our finish point on day 2 in an outstanding time, arriving before any of the other groups. This is just one example of how the DofE award has inspired me & I feel the skills in which it triggered will help me immensely as I go into my adult life.

I would like to personally thank Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, himself for providing young people, like me, the fantastic & enriching opportunity to participate in his award. I feel nothing but privileged to say that I’ve had the honour of completing it, I hope that many others will be able to have the same sense of pride as I do for generations to come.

Thank you, Your Royal Highness.