Emily Gilliland

The Duke of Edinburgh award was one of the most challenging but rewarding experiences I've had. The most difficult part for me was the expedition. I have always been a small build and never excelled at anything physical so to achieve my gold award was a massive shock for me. It allowed me to realise how strong I could be mentally and how well I could work as a team. Without the experience of Duke of Edinburgh I don't think I would have taken the time to recognise my strengths.

The expedition was also a section of my award which provided me with memorable and funny experiences I can look back on and laugh at. I once tripped, fell flat on my face and couldn't get back up because of the weight of my backpack. Everyone in the group decided to take some pictures for our memories so I had to wait for them to eventually help me up once we'd all stopped laughing!

I had the honour of attending the Gold award ceremony at Buckingham Palace in 2019 and it is a day I will look back on with pride.

HRH Prince Phillip has left such an inspiring legacy and has transformed the lives of so many. I hope the amazing work he carried out continues in his name and impacts many other young people around the world. May he rest in peace.