Elspeth Towers

I completed my Bronze award and almost my Silver award many years ago and gained so much from the experience. I still have my hand written expedition reports, they are part of my happy childhood history that I enjoy looking at now and again.

I was so proud of my twin boys who both completed their Gold awards last year. My daughter has completed her Bronze award (except her expedition which hopefully, covid allowing, she will complete this year).

What thrills me is that they all volunteered to help out with various Scouting sections for their service element and all three of them continue to do so (outside of their DofE). They have all progressed to become Scouting leaders and continue to help out with both Cubs and Scouts.

They are now giving their service back, having a great time, learning fantastic life skills and helping other youngsters to develop their self worth too.

Thank you Prince Philip. You have made a huge positive difference to our lives and those of many others around the world. Your award scheme has given youngsters such an accessible, amazing, life changing opportunity. You have made the world a better place. Rest in peace.