Elliot Naylor

The DofE award encourages participants to try new sports. I joined my local sailing club for my Bronze award. By the end of the first year I’d won the Rudyard Sailing Club Mixed Fleet Champion award and I’m now working towards the Seamanship course after completing all 4 stages.

For my Silver Award (skills section), I got a job in a Cycle Store which was particularly apt as I’m a keen mountain bike rider. After I completed the 6 months placement the shop offered me a Saturday/school holiday job which I accepted. I probably wouldn’t have got the job if I hadn’t worked there as part of the DofE award. I absolutely love working in The Cycle Store, I’ve learnt so much in terms of the technical side of building bikes, repairing bikes and also dealing with customers and advising them on products. I couldn’t have asked for a better job for a first job.

For my volunteering section on both the Bronze and Silver Award I volunteered at my Karate club as currently working towards my 3rd Dan. It was an eye opening being a teacher rather than a student! It’s made me realise how much patience you have to have to worker with young students.