Ella Welch

The night of my D of E expedition is one of the best memories I have. I remember that my friends and I were sat in a circle playing Uno by torchlight, with our packet meals warming our hands. The night itself may have have been icy, but the atmosphere was anything but; the air being filled with talk and laughter, reminiscing on the past day, and going through plans for the next morning. The teachers were drifting around the campsite too, asking about our days and checking that we were being safe with the cooking. Once we'd all eaten our fill, and the game had come to a close, I remember looking up and finding the night sky the clearest it had been for a long while, the stars shining out brightly. That's what I remember most vividly, I think: when my friends and I all lay looking up at the stars.

D of E helped me realise that I can achieve so much more than I thought I could. It pushed me farther than I thought I could I could go, and helped me see my own strength, mentally and physically. Thank you D of E!