Elizabeth Bywater

The DofE has been a huge part of my life since starting my Bronze Award aged 14. It was through my Bronze that I discovered a love for the outdoors - camping and hiking for the first time on my expedition. My DofE leader suggested joining our local canoe club when I was unsure what to do for my Physical section. This sparked a love and enthusiasm for kayaking that I still hold eight years later. I progressed from learning the sport for my Bronze Physical to volunteering as an instructor three years later for my Gold Volunteering. I even had the opportunity to kayak on my Gold Expedition.
Aside from kayaking, the DofE provided a multitude of opportunities to develop as a young person. I met so many new people both in my local community and beyond. Volunteering gave me a sense of purpose and exposure to new environments - something that I've continued doing after the Awards. The Physical activities enabled me to stay fit whilst having fun. Learning new skills gave me opportunities to push myself and gain confidence. The Residential was a chance to meet new people and be independent. The Expeditions were a real physical and mental challenge. I was part of an Open DofE group, meaning for each expedition I didn't know my teammates before meeting them during training. This posed a few more challenges, but was brilliant practice for situations later in life, such as starting university or a new job. I noticed that I began to enjoy the expeditions more as I progressed through each Award level. I think this was down to all the other DofE activities preparing me (both physically and mentally) for any future challenges I might face.
It's only with hindsight that I can explain how much of an impact the DofE has had on my life. I signed up, excited by the wide range of activities on offer. I couldn't have predicted how much completing the Awards has changed and developed me as a person and how different my life is now thanks to the DofE.