
From bronze practise to silver expedition every time was completely different. Highs lows every emotion, you question whether you even want to keep going but you crack on and keep walking and the memories you make last a lifetime. The interesting meals and the questionable hours of the day putting up and taking down tents all add to the experience. From thunderstorms to 25 degree sunshine you experience ever situation and have the knowledge to deal with what comes at you whether it be being lost, injured, tired, climbing up what seems like mountains or any other issue you learn to overcome them and come out stronger. Volunteering makes you feel proud to be helping out in your community and your skill and physical help you learn new things or learn more about something you already did. From doing DofE bronze and silver it allowed me to continue with my skill and volunteering after I had completed my levels. I had planned to complete gold this year but with coronavirus that was unable to happen. You learn leadership and are able to do new things.