
Halfway through my gold, having achieved both my bronze and silver, I can honestly say that the DofE changed my life. It provides an enduring structure, and has given me something constant to rely on and goals to achieve. Without it, I don't think I would have the confidence to follow my own dreams, and set my own goals. I am truly grateful for the scheme and the opportunities it has provided me, and will continue to provide me as I find my place in the world.

I volunteered as a group leader during my gold award and in doing so found the confidence to stand up for myself.

On my expeditions I have learnt to adapt and to be able to change with my surroundings.

Through all of the sections on all of the awards I have learnt to interact with others better, both with my peers and members of the wider public.

Back when I started the scheme, I would have struggled to make a phone call for myself, but now I am a completely independent university student.

This scheme allows so many people to realise their true potential, and I am happy to count myself among them.