David Sherman

Having done my Bronze and Silver Awards mostly as a way to make friends/spend time with the friends I had, the Gold Award was really life changing.

My 5th year school results weren’t great and my dream of going to Strathclyde Business School was seriously in question - I have no doubt that being able to talk about all the things I’d achieved in previous levels and as part of my Gold Award in my university application gave me an extra chance to impress the admissions team!

I was lucky enough to visit Gibraltar as part of my Gold Award - something that simply wouldn’t have happened were it not for DofE - and as a result I got to take part in so many amazing activities and trips that again boosted my confidence and set me up for going off to uni.

I’m now the Chief Marketing Officer of my own business - Turtle Pack - we help kids learn to swim. I’ll always be grateful to HRH for creating something that not only helps the individual but empowers them to help others.