David Scott

I have been involved in DofE for nearly 20 years.
I signed up to do Bronze DofE through Crumlin High School in Autumn 2001, and my programme consisted of volunteering with The Boys Brigade, football refereeing, physical training, and expeditions in the Mourne Mountains.
I signed up to do Gold DofE through The Boys’ Brigade in Autumn 2007, and my programme consisted of volunteering with The Boys’ Brigade, photography, hill walking, King George VI Officer VI Officer Cadet Training, a practice expedition in the Mourne Mountains, and a qualifying expedition in the Derryveagh Mountains.
While I was completing my own Gold DofE programme, I was encouraged to set up a Bronze DofE group in 1st Dundrod Boys’ Brigade and completed Expedition & Outdoor Leadership training. I was also appointed to the role of DofE Assistant Manager for Boys’ Brigade Northern Ireland and got involved in working with other BB DofE groups, giving presentations, delivering training and supervising expeditions.
I received my Gold DofE Award from HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh at St James's Palace in Summer 2013. I found HRH to be kind and warm, with a sharp wit and unfailing good humour. It was a lovely experience and a nice way to round off my Gold DofE experience.
Since then, I have continued my involved in DofE with Boys’ Brigade Scotland and latterly Aberdeen City Council; as a DofE Leader, Supervisor and Assessor. I have had the pleasure of working with many groups of young people and witness the invaluable impact that DofE has had on their lives.
My Bronze DofE was the first time I set foot on a mountain and sparked my interest in hill walking. Together with The Boys’ Brigade and Scripture Union, DofE has sparked a general interest in outdoor adventure activities, including orienteering, paddlesport and mountain biking.
DofE has and continues to have a very positive impact on my life, which I am eternally gratefully for. It has been fun, life changing, and co