David Knight

I completed the Award Scheme as a member of the Scout Association. Starting the Silver in early 1964, as a Scout holding First Class badge I was exempt the Bronze award, and completing the Gold in 1967.
The whole of the scheme linked well together for later years as for much of my leisure time has involved the skills acquired from the scheme, especially the expedition experiences in Dartmoor and The Brecon Beacons which introduced me to the mountains, a relationship I still enjoy.
After obtaining the Gold award I ran a Scout troop for 15 years along and assisted with a youth club for another five years, all the time I increasing my skills with training in Summer and Winter mountaineering, advanced rock climbing skills and First Aid. I climbed extensively throughout the UK and several countries in Europe. During this time I introduced many youngsters, including latterly my own children and grandchildren to the joys of the mountains and rock climbing.
After taking early retirement from engineering at fifty five I worked for 10 years as a rock climbing instructor with a local activity centre and college teaching children and students climbing and expedition skills.
This enthusiasm for the outdoors was definitely fired by HRH’s Award Scheme.
I'm second from left in the photo taken during Silver expedition.