Dave Wood
Having worked at the DofE’s Head Office for over 30 years, I have had many memorable encounters with HRH The Duke of Edinburgh.
He was, for many years, a fairly frequent visitor to Head Office in Windsor. I recall one day when the Directorate were all out at a meeting, I had my head down and was working away, concentrating on something when I became aware of someone standing by my desk, watching me. I carried on as I didn’t want to lose my train of thought until I realised this person wasn’t going away. I looked up and there was Prince Philip, in town during a day spent undertaking duties as Chief Ranger of Windsor Great Park and had decided to pop in to the DofE office and had walked in past the receptionist.
He asked me what I was up to and immediately engaged me in conversation, showing a genuine interest in the project I was working on. He had full knowledge of the project and put me, a rather nervous young employee, totally at ease.
I offered him a tour of the offices to meet colleagues and he agreed and we spent a most agreeable hour walking around, chatting with the members of staff. He left everyone extremely motivated as he had shown such a genuine, informed interest in everyone’s work and had asked many relevant and probing questions.
He has been a true inspiration to so many people, myself included, and has left a most remarkable legacy in his Duke of Edinburgh’s Award that has benefited so many millions of young people across the world.