Dave Thorley

DofE has always been part of my life -since enrolling on the Bronze Award in 1977 to becoming a Local Authority DofE Manager as part of my job responsibilities finally finishing around 2018. In this time i was a Volunteer, Outdoor Instructor -Supervising and Assessing expeditions, Centre Manager and Operational Manager delivering CPD to up and coming staff from predominately Schools. Over the years i treasured the times i have helped / worked with young people through numerous Youth Services around the Country in addition to the many adults whose enthusiasm never ceases to amaze me. This part of my life is owed of course to HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, i have had the honour over the years to have met and conversed with the main man himself -always finding him in good humour, an intent listener particularly when talking about young peoples participation either on 'the Award' or Outdoor Education programmes in general. The picture attached was on a visit to The Jubilee Centre located just behind Kings Cross after it's formal opening in 2005 after major Sports Lottery funding. I like the picture because i like to think we were on the same wavelength at the very same time - the subject of our interest and amusement is of course shared only by ourselves! R.I.P. HRH a great man, of great character, and who gave so much to helping others, myself included!