Dave Sommerville

I did my own Silver and Gold Awards between 1987 and 1991. I found the experiences challenging but so rewarding, life-affirming, worthwhile and memorable that I felt I ought to give something back to the Award. So I became a volunteer leader, then an expedition assessor and for 23 years now, I have been the DofE Manager for Pembrokeshire. I work with a fantastic team of volunteers who share my passion for this wonderful scheme for young people. The highlight of our year is usually our open Gold Expedition to the Scottish Highlands. Here we see the culmination of the Award experience for young people that we have worked with all the way through all 3 levels of the Award. There is always a euphoric atmosphere on the last night before going home, tinged with a sadness that their amazing journeys as Award participants are almost over. Next year, all being well, my own son will be one of them.