Daniella Concessio

Nobody ever forgets their DofE- the connection with someone new while volunteering, the incredible meal made around the campfire and the endless walking during expeditions.

I will never forget getting chased by bulls and sheep, getting lost in the middle of nowhere, the blisters, drenched in pouring rain and scorched in the hot sun, the laughter, the fun, the singing, and the lasting friendships gained. Looking back now, I realise that this has been one of the best decisions I made in 2017 when I started my Bronze Award, the following year completing my Silver Award alongside my GCSEs and currently in progression of the Gold Award. The DofE expeditions was on elf my greatest accomplishments and has always motivated my to try new things and push my so called “limits”.

HRH Prince Philip’s legacy lives on in all of us who have completed awards and will continue to do so through the DofE leaders and participants who will passionately keep this alive.

I will eternally be personally grateful and indebted to Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh for creating this fantastic award 65 years ago and for challenge, enrichment and pleasure that it has questionably brought to my life. I hope that anyone who does take part sees how life changing this can be!

Below is a poem written by my Silver Award group, in the participant’s point of view:
The camp’s so close
But it feels so far
I wish I could take
Ms Lyskawa’s car

My shoulders hurt
And so does my back
Wait! Are we even on
the right track?

DofE has made me realise,
How I’m so unfit.
When I get home
I should exercise a bit.

We finally made it to the camp
So we put up a tent and
Made some food.
All that I could say is that now
We are in a better mood.

We walked for so long
North to South, East to West.
At the end of each field,
We really needed a rest.

It’s all over now
I feel like I should shed a tear
I don’t think any of us
Are going to do it next year