Claire Rich

Completing each level of the DofE award shaped my life in so many ways. I found the expeditions challenging due to sustaining injuries through my hypermobility; but I developed the grit and resilience to carry on, even completing my gold qualifying expedition with my arm in plaster. Doing my DofE taught me that I could succeed at anything I set my mind to, and that I could follow my dream to work in the outdoors despite my health problems. I've made it my life's work to support others to complete their expeditions; I run an AAP and every year it's our reduced mobility teams that give me the motivation to carry on. I know how hard it was for me, and I support and challenge so many more young people to complete their awards, despite the challenges life throws at them. Their achievements fill my heart with pride every day, it's an honour and a privilege to be part of so many young people's journeys. Picture: one of our gold teams arriving at their finish point